Month: March 2018

img 03/29/18

Walkabout Power Adapters

Power adapter superstore

img 03/29/18

QuikClot Hemostatic Sponge

Stops bleeding instantly

img 03/28/18

Alternative Controller [Maker Update #76]

The best maker projects and tools of the week

img 03/28/18

FINsix Dart Laptop Charger

Smaller, lighter laptop charger

img 03/27/18

Koichi, Tofugu

Cool Tools Show 116: Koichi

img 03/27/18

CrunchIt Butane Canister Recycling Tool

Punctures butane fuel canisters for recycling ($6)

img 03/24/18

Blinkless Eye Dropper

Applying drops confidently

img 03/24/18

Finding the best kitchen shears

Comparing 3 different styles of kitchen shears

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