Month: April 2019

img 04/18/19

Izumi Sweater Shaver

Clean shaven sweaters

img 04/16/19

Avantek White Noise Sound Machine

20 non-looping ambient sounds

img 04/15/19

Nifty Kutter

Cutter uses safety razor blades

img 04/12/19


Clock parts for DIYers

img 04/12/19

Terri Schweitzer, Editor of Better Humans

Cool Tools Show 170: Terri Schweitzer

img 04/11/19

Clever Coffee Dripper

Combines the best features of French press and filter drip brewing

img 04/9/19

Glorious One-Pot Meals

Food with few dishes

img 04/8/19

Tala Cook’s Measure

Trans-atlantic measuring cup

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