Month: July 2019

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Book Freak #12: Letting go of anger and resentment

Claudia Dawson offers three excerpts from books she’s read on letting go of anger and resentment

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Wonder Mill

Fresh flour with no mess in seconds

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Finding the Best Finger Ratchet

A comparison of thumb ratchets

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Butter/Cream Cheese Spreader

Much easier than a butter knife

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Button-Stud Leather Watchband

Keeps wrist comfortable while typing

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FIFO Condiment Squeeze Bottle

Better than your average reusable condiment bottle

img 07/2/19

Un-Skru Jar Opener

Opens every size screw lid from 1/2 inch to 5 inches

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Floppy Tube Garlic Peeler

Quickly pops skin off garlic

img 07/1/19

Best Entry Level Embroidery Machine

Get started with digital embroidery

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