Month: August 2019

img 08/30/19

Nik Schulz, Illustrator

Cool Tools Show 190: Nik Schulz

img 08/30/19

Carbide Scribe

Marks hard materials including hardened steel, stainless steel, ceramics, and glass

img 08/28/19

What’s in my bag? — AJ Jacobs

What’s in my bag? issue #12

img 08/27/19

Spray n Wash Stain Stick

Laundry pre-treated stain stick allows you to treat now and wash later

img 08/26/19

Make It Glide With UHMW Tape

Keep things from rubbing and sticking

img 08/23/19

Jordan Bunker, Former Tech Editor for Make:

Cool Tools Show 189: Jordan Bunker

img 08/23/19

Q Bond QB2 Repair Kit

Simple gluing and filling to repair broken parts

img 08/22/19

Pocket Kart

Lets one person carry a 4 x 8 sheet of plywood

img 08/21/19

What’s in my bag? — J Young

What’s in my bag? issue #11

img 08/21/19

Beeswax Crayons

Heirloom crayons

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