
5 Every Day/Tips for Lightroom/Lion


Recomendo: issue no. 33

These amazingly great tips for using Lightroom are each presented in 1 minute or less. I’ve been using Lightroom to edit my photos (better than Photoshop) for years and didn’t know any of these. — KK

I’m late to the party, but I’ve been enjoying the sweet sounds of the now popular group Pentatonix. It’s a five-voice A cappella choir. One voice is a great beat-box artist who supplies the instrumentation. Somehow their arrangements get everything right. They do originals and covers and can I listen to them for hours. They found their audience on YouTube. — KK

If you are in LA, 5 Every Day is one of my favorite smartphone apps. It’s very simple and its purpose is clear: it recommends five things to do in Los Angeles that day. Art openings, lectures, art house movies, music, food, etc. Many of the events are free. If you come to LA for more than a couple of days, install it on your phone. — MF

Privacy is a browser extension that generates a virtual credit card for each online purchase you make. It offers different options when you create a virtual card — you can make a one-time-use card, a card with a limit (so that it expires once a certain amount is spent), or other kinds of limits. This seems like a great way to protect yourself from getting scammed by one of those sites that trick you into unwittingly signing up for a nearly-impossible-to-cancel monthly fee for something. — MF

I really look forward to getting the twice-weekly Marriage Minute by The Gottman Institute. The advice given is based on more than 40 years of research and the emails are always a quick read. It’s definitely inspired me in my first year of marriage. Here’s there most recent one about self soothing. — CD

I was really bummed Lion didn’t win any Oscars, because it’s the best film I’ve seen in the last year. Half of the movie is shot through the perspective of a little boy lost in India — it’s heartbreaking and Sunny Panwar is so captivating. If you haven’t seen it yet, it might still be showing in a theatre nearby. Or just wait until its rentable on Amazon or Netflix. Warning: You will cry. — CD

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-- Kevin Kelly, Mark Frauenfelder, Claudia Dawson 03/12/17

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