
Giveaway! LaCie RuggedKey


Submit a Review to Cool Tools

Cool Tools is going to give away this 16GB LaCie RuggedKey to one person who writes and submits a Cool Tool review between now and Monday, March 11 at 10pm PST. We’ll pick our favorite review (about a tool you love) and notify the person who wrote it. The RuggedKey offers USB 3.0, heat-, cold-, drop-, and water-resistance, data encryption, and one-to-one storage ratio in Wuala Secure Cloud Storage.

We plan to hold a giveaways once a week, so if your review isn’t selected this time, try again.

Note that we consider all the reviews we receive for publication. And we will pay $25 for each review we run, which is something we started doing earlier this month.

Please use our Submit a Tool form to send us your review.



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