Living on the Road

Owl Shaped Soft Silicone Travel Bottles


Travel bottle with suction cups

I’ve used these very cute silicone owl travel bottles for the past 6 months (traveling overnight four times). Each time I use them I find something I love and something I might change but overall I love them. I now worry less about leaking bottles in my bag. Also, the owl’s eyes are suction cups that actually work! This makes them easy to stick anywhere in a shower with minimal or overcrowded shelf space. I often stay with other people instead of hotels so it’s nice to know that my shower items are tucked out of the way. The bottles have a medium-sized opening which makes them pretty easy to refill with thicker liquids such as face scrub and toothpaste. The squeezable part is made of very squishy silicone which makes them easy to squeeze, almost too easy to squeeze. I often squeeze out a bit too much shampoo in the morning. Also the softness makes them a bit difficult to pop open the cap. I really like the opening and cap. The cap can be completely removed from the silicone for easy cleaning and the cap’s opening is small but flexible, so dense liquids like face scrub squeeze out easily. One feature I don’t enjoy or use is the selectable band of labels along the bottom. I find the band hard to twist into place. There is a blank spot in the band so you can write your own in. I just use the color-coding instead. Green is my shampoo. White is my shaving cream. I’ve included an in-situ photo so you can see how they work.

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-- Rob Ray 08/21/17

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