Nomad Visa Guide/White Lotus 2/Side Effects
Nomadico issue #25
A weekly newsletter with four quick bites, edited by Tim Leffel, author of A Better Life for Half the Price and The World’s Cheapest Destinations. See past editions here, where your friends can subscribe and join you.
Digital Nomad Visa Guide
Sometimes it takes one person to pull together info that’s in a lot of different places to enable easy comparisons. That’s the case with the site. You can sort and filter 12 real (so far) digital nomad visas aimed at remote workers that are running now. The criteria include visa length, minimum income, processing time, and three types of tax implications. There are good informative articles on the site as well.
The Return of White Lotus
It often made you cringe, but the HBO limited series White Lotus won five Emmy Awards and was a brilliant commentary on social classes, race, freelance work, and the hospitality industry–among other things. It all took place through the lens of one week at a luxury resort in Hawaii. Round 2 just debuted this week and could be worth getting an HBO Max account for. Check the local plans if you’re living abroad: I pay less than $4 a month for the Mexico version and when I logged in from Panama while writing up this newsletter it was $3 per month there.
Portable Bluetooth Speaker With Bass
If you’ve got room in a checked bag, a portable Bluetooth speaker can be a nice enhancement to have along. Even the smallest ones sound dramatically better than a tiny phone speaker but step up to fist-sized and you’ll get some real bass. There are seemingly a million knock-off brands on Amazon but I’ve been quite happy with the $50 JBL Go 3 one that’s USB-C rechargeable and waterproof.
Remote Work and More Babies
Recent episode 520 of the popular Freakonomics show/podcast is titled “The Unintended Consequences of Working From Home.” Economist Nicholas Bloom notes that transitioning to remote work, “has now gone up threefold in the space of two years.” Compared to the former rate, “That’s almost 50 years of change compressed into two years.” In related news, the U.S. birth rate went up for the first time during a recession. (That article only talks about finances and future prospects but hey, if you can both spend an extra hour in bed instead of facing a long commute…)