
LASH Tile System

Perfectly spaced tiles

This is one of those impulse buys that makes up for all the crappy ones. I was midway through a floor tiling project using 16″x16″ tiles. When I stopped at Home Depot to pick up some supplies, I came across these little plastic tile spacers. Their purpose is to make all your tile edges line up with no “lippage,” a task that gets harder the bigger the tiles get. I was skeptical, but picked them up, figuring I would end up taking advantage of HD’s generous return policy.


I was pleasantly surprised! They easily cut my tile laying time in half, and produced a much more professional look. They also act as 1/16″ spacers – a common size for larger tile – saving you a small purchase. If you want wider space between your tiles, you can use up to 1/4″ spacers in addition to the LASH spacers.

-- Paul Dunscomb 12/30/10

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