What are the best remote classes for developing graphic design skills?

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Posted by Oliver Hulland (Questions: 39, Answers: 59)
Asked on August 8, 2011 9:12 pm

I am in need of brushing up on Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign, but I don't have the schedule or availability to take classes locally. What are some of the best classes I can take remotely? I am up for everything from online videos, to coursework accompanied by a book. Are there free resources similar to Khan Academy that I could use instead?

Posted by heatherh (Questions: 0, Answers: 1)
Answered On August 9, 2011 8:05 am

I am a devoted fan of Lynda.com. I pay the annual membership and take a wide variety of courses. They have rich content around Adobe's Creative Suite.

I have recently taken courses from video2brain and been duly impressed and I hear good things about Kelby Training.

Finally, take a look at CreativeLive.com. They have an interesting business model. The first time they create a class they offer it live and for free. If you can fit the class into your schedule, no charge. If you can't attend their online times you can download their classes for a fee. I made the shift from film to DSLRs with one of their courses on Digital Photography. Eighteen hours of pure excellence.

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