General Purpose Tools

Best Comment of the Week – Contigo Water Bottles


Stainless steel water bottle keeps drinks cold for up to 18 hours

Reader comments are useful for us and, we hope, for you. We learn good information from comments – Is there a better tool than the one reviewed? Is there a different use for the tool? Is there a story to tell about the tool? The feedback helps us make Cool Tools better.

As a way to encourage you to write comments and to thank you for writing good comments, we award a copy of Kevin’s book, Cool Tools: A Catalog of Possibilities to the reader who wrote the best comment of the week. This week’s winner is Sandra Darst. She wrote:

“I drink a lot of water too, and used to have problems with it spilling all the time too. Then I found the Contigo water bottles and mugs. They don’t ever leak, even if tipped upside down or knocked completely off the table. Contigo’s Autoseal technology means that you just press to sip, and when you put it back down, it automatically seals. The button is intuitive, because it’s right where your hand is when you pick the bottle up to drink anyway. I’ve been a Contigo fan for years!”

-- Mark Frauenfelder 08/26/16

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