
Tiffany Shlain, Filmmaker

11/6/20 Picks and shownotes

Sam Maggs, Video Games and Comics Writer

10/30/20 Picks and shownotes

Ramona Pringle, Creator and Journalist

10/23/20 Picks and shownotes

Brian Fisher, Curator of Entomology

10/16/20 Picks and shownotes

Vanessa Mason, Research Director at IFTF

10/9/20 Picks and shownotes

Mark W. Moffett, Ecologist Storyteller

10/2/20 Picks and shownotes

Joshua Schachter, Founder of del.icio.us

09/25/20 Picks and shownotes

Claire Lower, Senior Food Editor at Lifehacker

09/18/20 Picks and shownotes

Sonal Chokshi, a16z Editor in Chief

09/11/20 Picks and shownotes

Bob Potts, Industrial Designer

09/4/20 Picks and shownotes

Nosa Edoimioya, PhD student

08/28/20 Picks and shownotes

Itamar Kubovy, curator of live experiences

08/21/20 Picks and shownotes

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