Dermatone skin protector

Protects against chapping, wind, and sun
I have had different tins of Dermatone in my ski jacket for about 8 years now. It’s a great protector against windburn on days when it’s really frosty on the slopes. It does make your skin a bit shiny, but I prefer that to a sore or frozen face. A solid ointment-like salve, a little goes a long way. It’s water-free, it doesn’t feel cold and slimy going on — I have smeared it on many tiny lips and noses without complaints. Since it is a sunblock as well, I’m protected if the clouds decide to part. It also makes a good lip balm if needed. The fragrance is mild and inoffensive, a definite plus. The small flat tin (2 inches in diameter) fits easily in a jacket pocket, and opens easily with a pinch. I replace the tin every few years or so. Empty tins are great to recycle as a receptacles for homemade deodorant or solid fragrance. For a few dollars, I have efficient all-purpose face protection lurking there until needed.