Semi-rigid Endoscope Inspection Camera

Small camera mounted to a bendable semi-rigid cable
I haven’t had this long, and I don’t know if it’s the “best” one, but I write this because it really fills a niche and others may not have realized this kind of thing is available. It’s a tiny camera (with some lights) on the end of a flexible but somewhat stiff stalk that’s 16.5 feet long. There are a bunch of “tool” versions of these at the Big Box building stores, but this version uses things you already have for the viewer. Specifically, a computer or a smartphone (is there any other kind these days?). So rather than spending over $100 on a dedicated borescope tool (charging, sorta big case, expensive), the one I selected from Amazon (there are lots!) has a bendable stalk (rather than too loose and floppy, didn’t need that), and works simply in either my phone (simple app for that) or my laptop (rather than a special program, I just use Yawcam, a freebie).
So, I can take this coiled camera with me, small enough to stash in a kit, and have a way to see things that I could not see before. Not always necessary but a simple way to overcome visibility issues at a reasonable cost. It’s submersible too, if you need that.
In my kit, I also have an inspection mirror, for the handy low-tech method too. For the $22 spent, this is a pretty cheap thing to experiment with, and it works. I’d love to hear if others have found models that are better – this is the only one I’ve tried (after wading through Amazon reviews), so there are lots more of these to consider
08/14/17(A side view mirror accessory kit is available for $10. — editors)
Semi-rigid Endoscope Inspection Camera ($22)