

Easy catch

Even the most sports-impaired among us can enjoy this well designed little toy: take a bean-bag, wrap it in grippy fabric, and add a tail: voila, the FlingSock. Better than other “flying tails”, in my opinion. It flies amazingly far (sometimes too far — be careful that it doesn’t end up on a roof). Even when it smacks me in the head, the light polyethylene pellet filled bag don’t hurt a bit. Doesn’t bounce either, so it won’t pop out of your hand or roll unexpectedly into the street. Easily sized to grab, with grippy rubberized fabric to keep it from slipping, and a fabric tail for second chance catches, as well as fabulous flinging…all in cheery, rainbow tie-dye colors. The mini size is perfect for slipping into school backpacks, flipping around in your yard, or to keep handy in the car for spontaneous flings — rolled up, it’s about the size of a small lemon. The regular size can and will go 30 yards and more — better save that one for the park!

-- Barbara Dace 09/27/06

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