Houston/Animated Knots/Sleepwalkers

Recomendo: issue no. 157
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A newsletter full of problems
I like reading the Houston newsletter. Once a week, the top 5 problems posted on the Houston forum are shared as an email, and by then people have either commiserated over having the same problem or in some instances shared a website/app as a solution. Like this problem of counting calories when you eat out. I am not interested in finding ideas for a startup, but it’s interesting finding problems I didn’t know I had. — C
Best knot tying instructions
The best way to learn how to tie a knot: visit Animated Knots. Choose left- or right-handed, any direction. — KK
A terrific podcast about Artificial Intelligence
I started listening to Sleepwalkers a couple of weeks ago. The hosts talk to software developers, ethicists, artists, doctors, military professionals, and other people who are creating, using, regulating, and thinking about AI and how it’s affecting every aspect of life on Earth. Instead of inviting guests into the studio, the hosts go into the field and talk to their guests where they live and work, which makes all the difference. — MF
Better anti-wrinkle patches
A few years ago I recommended using Frownies at night to prevent the forehead wrinkles that happen when you furrow your brow, which I tend to do a lot while I sleep. I’ve now switched over to Facial Smoothies because they are easier to put on, less noticeable, and they cost less — one pack is $16 and lasts almost four months. — CD
Musical travel
Latcho Drom is a 25-year old French documentary that explores the historical migration of (and connection between) music from the nomads of western India to the Roma deep in the heart of Europe. It has no narration, and essentially no speaking at all. The film just follows music being played and sung by genuine local musicians in their authentic homes as it travels westward. The film itself is a long song and quite unlike anything else I’ve seen. You can watch it in full on YouTube. — KK
Step-by-step solutions to math problems
Scan almost any textbook math problem with your phone’s camera and Photomath will generate a step-by-step solution instantly. The app works for iOS and Android and it’s free. — MF