MarineTraffic/Writing advice/Anker Nano II

Recomendo: issue no. 278
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Track all the ships at sea
The MarineTraffic website blows my mind. It’s a live world map that shows thousands of ships around the world — from pleasure crafts and fishing vessels to container ships. Clicking on an icon reveals a photo of the ship and information about it. (Thanks to Doc Searls, who told me about the site.) — MF
Write 5x more but write 5x less
This advice has been haunting me since I first read it — because it’s genius. Mike Crittenden says there are 2 things he has come to believe about writing: 1. The average person should write 5x more things than they do. 2. The average written thing should be 5x shorter than it is. I remind myself of this every time I’m about to put my pen down or stop typing. — CD
Super fast charger
The 65 watt Anker Nano II is an itsy-bitsy wall charger, size of golf ball, that uses fancy circuits to super charge your phone, pad, or laptop really fast, about 3x the standard speed. Its only port is USB-C, and comes without cables, so bring your own. It can fully charge my new iPad in about 75 minutes from a dead start. (A 13-inch laptop is about as big as it can handle in super fast mode; for any laptop larger its advantage is its very small size.) This tiny speed charger is perfect for my daypack bag. — KK
Good habits
Although this book is several years old, and has sold millions of copies, and has been recommended by close friends, I am only now coming to appreciate the wisdom of Atomic Habits by James Clear. It’s about the science and practice of making good habits and breaking bad ones, and is the best kind of self-help: succinct; clear, valid, and practical. I found it refreshingly useful, and by far the best I’ve seen on habit making. — KK
188 Cognitive Biases
The Cognitive Bias Codex is a radial diagram of 188 cognitive biases listed on Wikipedia. They are grouped into categories and each bias links to it’s own Wikipedia page where you can learn more. I discovered this through one of my favorite newsletters Sloww Sunday— which is always insightful. — CD
Happiness is a warm kitty
The weather is getting cooler and I’ve noticed that my cats are seeking warm places around the house to sleep, like spots of sunlight on the floor or our work treadmill after we’ve used it. I bought them an Electric Heated Pet Pad and they love it. It has 9 heat levels and a timer. — MF