


Cheap image editing software for Macs

I’ve been using Pixelmator ($30) on my Mac for photo editing for many years. It is a fantastic alternative to Photoshop, and it is and amazing value at only $30. It can do all of the things you’d expect of a photo editor. But among the tools I use most often are Quick Select, Modify Selection and the Healing Brush. In combination, they can clean up an image by removing tiny blemishes or even large areas of a photo. I also have been using this technique to turn a 4×3 (or some other aspect ratio) photo into 16×9 for use in a presentation. It’s surprising how well the healing algorithm can fill in background at the edges of a photo, and with additional touch ups can create a more impactful full screen image without resorting to the “duplicate, zoom, and blur” technique that is so common. I also use “Lighten Shadows” as a quick and easy way to correct a backlit photo where people’s faces are darker than the overall shot. Pixelmator Pro has more features and doesn’t cost that much more. But the UX of Pixelmator is easier to use. I own both.

-- Dave Cortright 12/26/19

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