Scholastic Dictionary of Idioms
More than 700 common American phrases, sayings, and expressions
Since when did cats and dogs start falling from the sky? If you have ever studied a foreign language, you know how hard learning idioms can be. This book is an excellent tool for helping anyone learning the English language to conquer the numerous idioms we use every day. This book not only gives an alphabetical listing of over 700 idioms, but it explains where they came from, and gives an example of each one being used in a sentence. I have given out several copies of this book to my friends who are functional in English but are always befuddled by idioms. So, on a day when it’s “raining cats and dogs” you can relax with this entertaining tool, or, better yet, invite a friend who is learning English over and “let the cat out of the bag.”
11/28/16Scholastic Dictionary of Idioms ($8) By Marvin Terban 2006, 304 pages