Sushi Roller Kit

Makes perfectly round, restaurant-quality sushi at home
Make some rice, load it into the two halves of the Sushezi Roller Kit, add some items for color and flavor. Clamp together, put the plunger to work and a perfect roll comes out every time. You don’t need to go fancy with the tool. I use leftovers all the time… even hot dog pieces work great! Of course I will throw in the picked ginger because it is easy and looks good, but things like steamed carrot pieces work just as well. Sometimes I roll it in seaweed, sometimes I don’t. It’s that flexible. My kids always ask to have “mom’s sushi” when their friends came over. This tool will make adults and kids scream for sushi even if you are not creative…. This tool is the bomb!
12/13/16Camp Chef Sushezi Roller Kit ($24)