
Thinking With a Pencil


Graphite visualizations

Henning Nelms’ classic Thinking With a Pencil should be a textbook in elementary school. Kids could then use the quick visualization skills Nelms teaches for the rest of their lives to help communicate, sell, and envision new products, services, and worlds. I know I wish I had gotten my hands on this book well before my engineering school days. I’ve used these skills to wireframe websites, diagram manufacturing lines, and sell process improvement projects to prospective clients. There is something in here for everyone as Nelms emphasizes the use of drawing in all disciplines.

The book was first published in 1957, but was republished in 1986 by Ten Speed Press, and is available used today. I think I learned about the book from the Whole Earth Catalog, too.

-- James Hom 06/29/12

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