Toolish App Contest
Now that Android and iOS smartphones have matured and given rise to a robust application marketplace, it is about time ...
Now that Android and iOS smartphones have matured and given rise to a robust application marketplace, it is about time we hold a contest to identify the most useful mobile applications that qualify as Cool Tools.
We are seeking reviews of the best and most useful apps out there. Seeing as how there are so many (over 300,000 in iOS alone) we only want the absolute best. As long as you think its useful or have found that it has somehow improved your life, we want to hear about it.
Remember, a great review consists of the following five parts:
1) a succinct description of what the application does,
2) how it changed your behavior,
3) why Cool Tools should run the item,
4) why it is superior to other things, and
5) why we should believe you.
We will be accepting entries until Friday February 18th. The author of the best and most compelling review gets to select a prize from the Prize Pool and will be published the following week. So tell us what applications you are using, and why they rock!
For an idea of what we are looking for in an application check out some previous reviews:
How to Cook Everything