What's in My Bag

What’s in my bag? — Geri Diorio


What’s in my ... ? issue #110

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I am an information specialist who enjoys her work, but enjoys leaving it behind at the end of the day as well. I read and review books, help people find what they need, and dream of bookstores. — Geri Diorio


My bag is a V1 Sling Backpack from Sipsey Wilder ($50), a small, women-owned, original design, vegan business in Alabama. It holds a surprisingly large amount of things in an organized way and never hurts my back. I love all their bags and own several.

BIC Cristal Stic Ball Pen ($15, 60pk)
I am never without a pen, specifically a Bic Cristal Stic in blue. While many people feel these pens are too skritchy, I find the haptic feedback of writing with one a feature, not a bug.

Leatherman Squirt ($40)
The little Leatherman Squirt was a gift years ago and it has proven to be so useful, practically every day. Sure Swiss Army knives are fine, but I find the addition of needle nose pliers to be game changing.

Suprus rechargeable lighter (varies)
This little arc lighter is very stealthy; it really looks like a USB memory stick. Although I am not a smoker, I find it comes in handy for candles, and makes a fun conversation starter. I am not certain that Suprus makes this specific USB rechargable lighter any more, but they make similar ones.

Although it may seem to be completely anachronistic, I never travel without my checkbook. I was able to secure a place in pottery class at the local community center because they did not take credit cards but they do take checks! My hand-tooled leather checkbook cover is also an object I find beautiful to look at and touch.


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