Where does diversity come from? In 1983, microbiologist Julian
Adams discovered a clue when he brewed up a soup of cloned E. coli
bacteria. He purified the broth until he had a perfectly homogenized
pool of identical creatures. He put this soup of clones into a specially
constructed chemostat that provided a uniform environment for them -- every
E. coli bug had the same temperature and nutrient bath. Then he let the
soup of identical bugs replicate and ferment. At the end of 400
generations, the E. coli bacteria had bred new strains of itself with
slightly different genes. Out of a starting point in a constant
featureless environment, life spontaneously diversified.
A surprised Adams dissected the genes of the variants (they weren't new
species) to find out what happened. One of the original bugs had
undergone a mutation that caused it to excrete acetate, an organic
chemical. A second bug experienced a mutation that allowed it to make
use of the acetate excreted from the first. Suddenly a symbiotic
codependence of acetate maker and acetate eater had emerged from the
uniformity, and the pool diverged into an ecology.
Although uniformity can yield diversity, variance does better. If the
Earth were as smooth as a shiny ball bearing -- a perfect spherical
chemostat spread evenly with uniform climate and homogeneous soils -- then
the diversity of ecological communities on it would be far reduced from
what it is now. In a constant environment, all variation and all
diversity must be driven by internal forces. The only constraints on
life would be other coevolutionary life.
If evolution had its way, with no interference from geographical and
geological dynamics -- that is, without the clumsiness of a body -- then
mindlike evolution would feed upon itself and breed heavily recursive
relationships. On a globe without mountains or storms or unexpected
droughts, evolution would wind life into a ever-tightening web of
coevolution, a smooth world stuffed with parasites, parasites upon
parasites (hyperparasites), mimics, and symbionts, all caught up in
accelerating codependence. But each species would be so tightly coupled
with the others that it would be difficult to distinguish where the
identity of one began and the other left off. Eventually evolution on a
ball-bearing planet would mold everything into a single, massive,
ultradistributed planetwide superorganism.
Creatures born in the rugged environments of arctic climes must deal
with the unpredictable variations that nature is always throwing at
them. Freezing at night, baking during the day, ice storms after spring
thaw, all create a rugged habitat. Habitats in the tropics and in the
very deep sea are relatively "smooth" because of their constant
temperature, rainfall, lightfall, and nutrients. Thus the smoothness of
tropical or benthic environments allows species there to relinquish the
need to adapt in physiological ways and allows them room to adapt in
purely biological ways. In these steady habitats we should expect to see
many instances of weird symbiotic and parasitic relationships -- parasites
preying upon parasites, males living inside of females, and creatures
mimicking and mirroring other creatures -- and that's what we do find.
Without a rugged environment life can only play off itself. It will
still produce variation and novelty. But far more diversity can be
manufactured in natural and artificial worlds by setting creatures in a
rugged and vastly differentiated environment.
This lesson has not been lost on the wannabe gods trying to create
lifelike behavior in computer worlds. When self-replicating and
self-mutating computer viruses are loosed into a computer memory
uniformly distributed with processing resources, the computer viruses
quickly evolve a host of wildly recursive varieties including parasites,
hyperparasites, and hyper-hyperparasites. David Ackley, one computer
life researcher, told me, "I finally figured out that the way to get
wonderfully lifelike behavior is not to try to make a really complex
creature, but to make a wonderfully rich environment for a simple