The Technium

Book Launch

The book form of this blog is now available as a finely crafted hard-cover tome, entitled What Technology Wants. You can find it at your favorite bookseller. It is also available in Kindle ebook and Audible book form. In concert with its release I will be speaking at the following public events in the coming weeks:

   October 16: Boston Book Festival
   October 18: Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs;
            New York Public Library
   October 26: Seattle @ Barnes & Noble
   October 28: Menlo Park @ Kepler’s
   November 1: Portland @ Bagdad Theatre
   November 3: San Francisco @ Commonwealth Club
   November 7: Pasadena @ Caltech Skeptics Lecture Series
   November 16: San Francisco @ Booksmith

Please see for full details and updates.

If you are in the neighborhood, please come by and introduce yourself.


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