The Technium

Yuri’s Night

I am going to be out of town on April 12, so I am sorry to miss Yuri’s Night.  If you are in the Bay Area then, you should check it out. It is a techno party that runs from 2 pm to 2 am at the giant NASA hanger in Moffet Field.


Once a year in over a hundred places all over the world, Yuri’s Night commemorates the anniversary of the launch of the first man in space, Yuri Gagarin, and the launch of the first Space Shuttle exactly twenty years later. Yuri’s Night Bay Area taps into the San Francisco area’s unique energy to bring together scientists, artists, technologists, musicians, and space enthusiasts in a fusion of celebration and education that is unlike anything else you’ve ever seen. In 2008 the event is growing to twice the size, bringing in more hot musicians, more brilliant scientists, more amazing artists, and the all-new Festival of Ideas.

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Photo of 2007 gathering from Laughing Squid Flickr pool

Scheduled speakers this year: Will Wright (Spore), Saul Grffith (Squid Labs), and musicians and djs from around the world.


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